Sunday, June 14, 2020

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I always told my kids I would rather them tell me the worst and hardest truth than any kid of lie. I told them that even if I didn't like what they told me and even it I disciplined them for what they told me about, it would NEVER be as bad or harsh as the consequences of lying. And make no mistake, lies always come back to bite you. 

Another 'word' lesson I also stressed to the kids was that words don't mean anything if your actions don't back them up. For example, I never forced the kids to say, "I'm sorry". If they weren't making them say it would be making them lie. And if they were sorry, saying so would be a natural response. 

Both of these are pretty clear-cut lessons in the truth that actions speak louder than words. And if ever there has been a time children need to know this truth, that time is now. 

I'm not here to debate whether racism is as much of an issue as some propose it to be. I'm not here to debate whether or not there need to be changes in how law enforcement officers enforce. I'm not here to debate anything. I'm here to tell you what good parenting is and how essential it is to be one. 

In this matter, being a good parent means you will: 

*Make sure your children know that talking, yelling, screaming, demanding, or bullying is wrong. 
*Make sure your children know that these things don't bring about change. Change is doing the exact opposite of what needs to be changed. For example, if you think think someone is being treated unfairly or unjustly, treat EVERYONE fairly and justly so that it will be impossible to not see what it looks like. 
*Make sure your children know that it is NEVER okay to break a law. 
*Make sure your children know that no one's life is more important than another' matter what color they are, sex they are, how much money they have, or what their job is. 
*Make sure your children know that they should always think before they speak, because once words have been said, they can never be un-said. 

Words can be both powerful and powerless--depending on the actions that accompany them. Please make sure you teach your kids to recognize the difference and to make sure they choose wisely. 

Momma D

                        Copyright 2020 Darla Noble. No part of this can be used or copied without permission from the author.