Wednesday, January 8, 2014

They are Watching...and Listening to YOU!

My daughter, Olivia, called this morning to tell me the latest cute thing Reuben had done. Here is what she had to say... Reuben, who just turned 13 months old, was sitting in his high chair eating toast for breakfast. The television was on and a commercial came on for (I don't remember what). The commercial ends with a group of people clapping. Rueben, who couldn't see the television, heard the clapping, put his toast down on his tray and began to clap right along with them. Ahh, isn't that cute. Of course it is! And being the loving nanna that I am, I laughed and agreed that he's one adorable kid. But then I thought about this... How often do we, as parents, say or do things at home or in public that we think no one sees or hears. Or maybe we intend for others to see and hear them...but not our children. Hhhmmm...that's not such a pleasant thought, is it? Let's face it, we've all had a few of those do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do moments. But these have to be the exception to the rule...slip-ups that happen on rare occasions because we...well, because we are human. Our kids are watching and listening to us. Even when they get past that stage of thinking we walk on water, they are listening and watching us. They want someone to look up to...someone to pattern their behaviors after...someone they can emulate. And that someone is you! Think about it...haven't you seen yourself or heard yourself do or say something your parents did or said? Your children are looking at you and looking up to you. Give the someone worth watching and listening to. Give them parents who love and serve the Lord and who live a life of honor, integrity and faith 24/7. Well, what do you think? When have you experienced this with your kids? Love, Momma D