Sunday, March 1, 2020

We're In This Thing Together

Twice a month I have the privilege of hanging out and mentoring a group of young mommas at a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group held at our church. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I enjoy this, but I also want to say that for everything I hope I give to them, they give back even more. What I mean, is that talking with them, listening to them, and just watching them share their lives with each other is so special and a true blessing. It is also a reminder that we are all in this parenting thing together and that we need to be supporting and encouraging each other no matter how big or small the concern, situation, or victory is. For example…

At the start of each meeting the group leader always recognizes moms who have birthdays and anniversaries. But after that, she always invites the moms to share the not-so-little little things, and let me tell you, there are plenty. “Both the boys napped at the same time!” “We stayed dry for three consecutive days.” “I got the laundry washed, dried, and put away all in the same day.” “C_____ didn’t have a meltdown when she touched the wet grass.” “E________ and I got to go out on a date for the first time in nine months.” “I got two weeks of meal-prepping done.” “L_____ left her glasses on.”

It’s been a long time since I’ve been in those ‘places’, but not so long that I have forgotten how good those things felt. Sure I can smile and reassure them, because I know these struggles will pass.  And let me tell you, they are thankful (and relieved) when I do (reassure them). But here's what's really cool--the round of applause we give each of these young women after they share their news. Why, you ask, is this so 'cool'? Here's why: They need to know what they are doing matters. They need to know that all the sacrifices they are making now are worth it now AND in the long run. They need to know that their feelings matter and that they aren’t making a big deal out of nothing. They need to know that just because these things are all part of being a mom doesn’t make them any less praiseworthy. They need to know they aren’t alone and that they have a support system who really and truly ‘gets them’ now…where they are at…instead of just telling them to wait and it will be over sooner rather than later.

So listen up all you older parents, and by that, I mean parents of elementary kids, tweens, teens, and adults. Be a cheerleader. Be an encourager. Be present. Be understanding. Be an example. Be anything BUT condescending and dismissive. Think back. Remember when…. And always, ALWAYS remember that the encouragement and support we give young moms can make a HUGE impact on how they perceive themselves and how well they do their job. Remember: We’re all in this mom thing together, so let’s do it…together.

Momma D
                         Copyright 2020 Darla Noble. No part of this can be used or copied without permission from the author. 
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